On-PACE: OnTrack Peer and Counselor Education
Earn while you learn! Receive full benefits and wages while participating in our CADC (Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor) training program.
The On-PACE Program
On-PACE is a training program designed to provide all the training and experience necessary to become a CADC (Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor) while working full-time in one of our programs earning a salary with benefits. Trainees receive high-quality, in-person training from experts across the Rogue Valley and participate in a registered apprenticeship program as they work toward their CADC. Cohorts start every six months. To see if you qualify, visit the jobs page to see open positions that qualify for the On-PACE program.

What is On-PACE?
The On-PACE Program is a counselor and peer certification program that combines classroom training with on-the-job experience. Trainees work across nine OnTrack programs including residential and outpatient treatment facilities and transitional housing units, as well as with community partners such as La Clinica's Birch Grove Health Center.
The On-PACE counselor education and training includes classroom instruction in areas such as person-centered individual and group counseling, ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) assessment, cultural competency, ethics and boundaries, trauma awareness and universal trauma precautions, dual diagnosis and co-occurring treatment, and pharmacology.
Certifications offered in the On-PACE Program include CADC (Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor) and PSS (Peer Support Specialist).
To Apply:
To apply for this unique opportunity for counselor training and education, see the On-PACE Program Open Positions and associated application materials. Email completed program application packets to jobs@ontrackroguevalley.org
How Long is The Program?
The time to achieve PSS certification is three months for full program participants, or one week for those only attending PSS training.
The time to gain certification as a CADC is approximately 18 months for full program participants. For those who join for training for apprenticeship only, times vary.
QMHA certification requires a combination of training and experience equivalent to three years. People who join the QMHA program will have different completion dates depending on previous experience.

MHACBO Approved CEU’s (Continuing Education Credits)
Take classes for continuing education.
All classes are open to the community at $15.00 per CEU or $7.50 per CEU for non-profit partner agencies. For class schedules and registration, contact onpace@ontrackroguevalley.org.
“I originally came to OnTrack looking for a job, and they offered me schooling and a career. I am so grateful they saw something in me I had yet to see in myself as I was a recovering addict. They helped me to believe in myself, to overcome adversity, and to use my past to inspire others to overcome the same obstacles and defeat the chains of addiction. I am now a certified drug and alcohol counselor. I have a full-time job that I love going to every day and a future with unlimited potential.”
- On-PACE Cohort II Program Graduate
For more information about the On-PACE Program email onpace@ontrackroguevalley.org
To apply for this unique opportunity, go to the job page here. Send a completed On-PACE Application along with your completed Job Application to jobs@ontrackroguevalley.org.
Continuing Education Units are available for those not enrolled in the On-PACE Apprenticeship Program.
Email onpace@ontrackroguevalley.org for details.
Accredited by CARF International
OnTrack is accredited by CARF International. This demonstrates an agency’s quality, transparency, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served. CARF International is an independent, nonprofit accreditor of health and human services.